WASHINGTON — Today, Representative Lou Correa (CA-46) voted against the GOP budget reconciliation plan that would strip away health care hard-earned benefits from hard-working Orange County taxpayers, children, and seniors.
“Tonight, Congress voted on a GOP budget plan that included hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts to Medicaid and food assistance for kids, seniors, and veterans. And it even opened the door to slashing Medicare and the Affordable Care Act,” Correa lambasted. “Under this plan, the nearly 350,000 people on Medicaid in my district are at risk of losing their health care—including nearly 150,000 children and over 30,000 seniors. It would also cut Social Security benefits for over 600,000 people in my district. This is unacceptable, unconscionable, and un-American.”
Nearly 80 million Americans receive health care through Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program, which provide critical care throughout all stages of life. Medicaid covers everything from childbirth to nursing home care and everything in between. Under the GOP plan, the 34,000 people who receive coverage under the Affordable Care Act in California’s 46th Congressional District (CA-46) would see their average premium go up by $2,210 per year—a 110% increase.
Many families would face even steeper consequences. A 60-year-old couple with a household income of $85,000 in CA-46 would see their health insurance costs increase by $13,831 per year—a nearly 200% increase in premiums.
“In my district alone, nearly 80,000 residents rely on SNAP and food assistance programs to keep their families fed. This plan would also put them in jeopardy,” Correa added. “I voted against this plan—because I cannot in good conscience put the hundreds of thousands of hard-working American taxpayers in Orange County who rely on these programs to survive at risk.”
You can learn more about the impact of the GOP’s budget plan on CA-46 residents HERE.